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Webber3000's AntiRecords

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These are stats that, frankly, could use some help.

Game Level Category Division Order Desc Stat Players Date
Sonic and the Secret Rings Lost Prologue Ring Chain Mission 21 18 12 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Lost Prologue Ring Chain Mission 20 33 11 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Time Mission 12 1:35:96 16 02-01-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Time Mission 12 2:10:23 19 02-02-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Time Mission 12 0:44:16 21 01-31-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Ring Chain Mission 12 67 12 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Score Mission 11 251 15 02-13-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Ring Chain Mission 11 14 9 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 11 7 10 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 11 19 12 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Time Mission 10 1:51:36 18 01-30-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Ring Chain Mission 10 6 10 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Ring Chain Mission 10 5 10 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 10 18 9 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 10 19 12 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 10 49 11 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Ring Chain Mission 9 13 10 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Ring Chain Mission 9 13 9 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Ring Chain Mission 9 20 11 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Ring Chain Mission 9 6 13 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 9 17 13 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Score Mission 9 996 16 02-06-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 9 61 13 02-14-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Eggmanland Time Night 5 15'08"199 43 03-20-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Time Mission 8 0:33:10 17 02-01-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 8 101 13 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Score Mission 8 480 15 01-31-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Time Mission 8 0:18:08 20 02-01-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 8 20 12 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Ring Chain Mission 7 18 9 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 7 8 10 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Ring Chain Mission 7 2 11 02-14-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Shamar Time Night 4 10'42"231 49 03-20-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Time Mission 7 0:46:83 22 01-30-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 7 10 13 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Ring Chain Mission 6 22 11 02-14-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Eggmanland Time Night 3 5'50"769 44 03-20-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Time Mission 6 3:36:75 18 01-30-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Shamar Time Night 3 8'18"433 48 03-20-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Chun-Nan Time Night 3 7'40"642 54 03-20-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Time Mission 6 0:57:65 24 01-31-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 6 10 14 02-14-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Cosmic Wall Time Mission 5 8:43:99 127 01-23-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Weapons Bed Rings Mission 5 2 90 01-19-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Egg Quarters Time Mission 5 3:40:97 128 01-19-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Egg Quarters Score Mission 5 14,280 83 01-19-10
Sonic Adventure (DX) 1 Lap Race Gamma 0:45:00 64 02-28-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Hidden Base Rings Mission 5 14 93 01-19-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Hidden Base Score Mission 5 15,170 94 01-19-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Ring Chain Mission 5 21 10 02-14-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Adabat Time Night 2 6'07"098 51 03-20-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Shamar Time Night 2 7'01"052 51 03-20-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Ring Chain Mission 5 36 11 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Ring Chain Mission 5 11 12 02-14-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Holoska Time Night 2 6'54"320 54 03-20-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 5 10 13 02-14-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Spagonia Time Night 2 5'56"934 56 03-20-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Wild Canyon Rings Mission 5 4 128 01-19-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 5 36 14 02-14-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Egg Quarters Rings Mission 4 6 58 01-19-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Crazy Gadget Rings Mission 4 57 72 01-19-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Eternal Engine Rings Mission 4 1 61 01-23-10
Sonic Adventure (DX) 3 Lap Race Amy 3:04:85 100 02-28-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Hidden Base Rings Mission 4 7 70 01-19-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Time Mission 4 0:54:21 17 02-01-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Score Mission 4 120 16 02-01-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Aquatic Mine Rings Mission 4 5 72 01-19-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Time Mission 4 1:19:91 19 01-31-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Eggmanland Time Night 1 10'22"069 45 03-20-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Adabat Time Night 1 6'40"490 51 03-20-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Shamar Time Night 1 9'53"143 52 03-20-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Chun-Nan Time Night 1 7'53"605 56 03-20-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Spagonia Time Night 1 7'42"108 56 03-20-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Apotos Time Night 1 3'52"153 65 03-20-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Biolizard Boss Last 3:54:17 93 01-25-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Cannon's Core Time Mission 3 6:21:00 123 01-19-10
Sonic Adventure (DX) Chaos 4 Boss Knuckles 1:53:71 96 02-28-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Mad Gear 2 Score Super Sonic 56,500 13 11-06-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Mad Gear 1 Time Super Sonic 2:09:87 21 11-07-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Mad Gear 1 Score Super Sonic 19,900 15 11-06-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Casino Street 2 Score Super Sonic 22,370 15 11-06-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Score Mission 3 535 17 01-30-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Ring Chain Mission 3 18 10 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Score Mission 3 678 16 01-30-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Splash Hill 3 Score Super Sonic 65,700 17 11-06-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Ring Chain Mission 3 8 9 02-14-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Splash Hill 1 Time Super Sonic 0:55:52 31 11-06-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) 3 Lap Race Standard 2:38:46 87 01-23-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Cosmic Wall Time Mission 2 1:29:79 144 01-23-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Special Stage 7 Special Sonic 0:29:49 21 11-06-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Special Stage 5 Score Sonic 10,100 22 11-06-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Special Stage 5 Special Sonic 0:00:25 21 11-06-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Special Stage 1 Score Sonic 14,200 32 11-06-10
Sonic 4: Episode I E.G.G. Station Zone Score Sonic 1,900 21 11-06-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Mad Gear Boss Score Sonic 5,000 23 11-06-10
Sonic Adventure (DX) 1 Lap Race Tails 0:41:05 68 02-28-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Death Chamber Time Mission 2 2:27:07 141 01-19-10
Sonic Adventure (DX) 3 Lap Race Tails 2:09:80 99 02-28-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Hidden Base Time Mission 2 3:06:44 149 01-24-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Casino Street 3 Score Sonic 3,730 22 11-06-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 2 12 11 02-14-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Splash Hill 3 Score Sonic 21,800 26 11-06-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Ring Chain Mission 2 11 12 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Time Mission 2 1:49:95 21 02-02-10
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Windmill Isle 2 Time Day 2:23:56 143 10-09-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 2 5 11 02-14-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Shadow 2 Boss Hero 1:18:70 110 01-25-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Eggman 2 Boss Hero 0:26:47 116 01-25-10
Sonic Colors Wii Terminal Velocity Boss Boss Sonic 4:05:65 56 12-31-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Egg Golem Boss Hero 1:53:37 117 01-25-10
Sonic Colors Wii Terminal Velocity 1 Score Sonic 54,200 28 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Terminal Velocity 1 Time Sonic 5:33:14 53 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Asteroid Coaster Boss Boss Sonic 6:30:95 52 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Asteroid Coaster 6 Time Sonic 3:56:85 46 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Asteroid Coaster 6 Score Sonic 1,459,300 32 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Asteroid Coaster 5 Time Sonic 1:44:96 49 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Asteroid Coaster 5 Score Sonic 493,480 30 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Asteroid Coaster 4 Score Sonic 490,000 32 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Asteroid Coaster 3 Score Sonic 258,100 31 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park Boss Boss Sonic 4:35:02 46 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 6 Time Sonic 6:15:89 52 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 6 Score Sonic 956,830 30 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 5 Rings Sonic 192 21 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 4 Time Sonic 7:00:01 50 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 4 Score Sonic 997,940 30 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 3 Score Sonic 685,900 30 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 2 Time Sonic 1:45:73 57 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 2 Score Sonic 182,500 34 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 1 Score Sonic 1,245,570 30 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 1 Time Sonic 4:06:75 54 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Planet Wisp Boss Boss Sonic 1:13:69 49 12-31-10
Sonic Adventure (DX) Icecap Subgame Score Sonic 6,110 94 02-27-10
Sonic Colors Wii Planet Wisp 4 Score Sonic 404,510 34 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Planet Wisp 3 Time Sonic 3:19:68 51 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Planet Wisp 3 Score Sonic 509,070 34 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Planet Wisp 2 Score Sonic 690,960 33 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Planet Wisp 1 Score Sonic 875,100 37 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Planet Wisp 1 Time Sonic 5:21:87 54 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Starlight Carnival Boss Boss Sonic 5:01:94 56 12-31-10
Sonic 2 Death Egg Time Sonic 3:35 111 02-21-10
Sonic Colors Wii Starlight Carnival 5 Score Sonic 1,528,740 32 12-31-10
Sonic 2 Wing Fortress Time Sonic 5:50 84 02-21-10
Sonic 2 Sky Chase Rings Sonic 20 61 02-21-10
Sonic Colors Wii Starlight Carnival 3 Time Sonic 2:48:94 59 12-31-10
Sonic 2 (GG) Scrambled Egg 3 Score Sonic 17,000 8 03-01-10
Sonic Colors Wii Starlight Carnival 3 Score Sonic 509,100 38 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Starlight Carnival 2 Time Sonic 2:02:53 55 12-31-10
Sonic 2 (GG) Scrambled Egg 2 Rings Sonic 22 17 03-01-10
Sonic 2 (GG) Scrambled Egg 2 Score Sonic 11,000 13 03-01-10
Sonic Colors Wii Starlight Carnival 1 Score Sonic 1,022,300 33 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Sweet Mountain Boss Boss Sonic 2:21:56 55 12-31-10
Sonic Adventure (DX) Chaos 0 Boss Sonic 0:30:08 132 03-20-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Dark Gaia Boss Bosses 10'14"604 51 03-20-10
Sonic 2 Oil Ocean 2 Time Sonic 3:02 93 02-21-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Last Chapter Boss Boss 3:19:51 27 01-30-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Egg Lancer Boss Bosses 3'04"310 52 03-20-10
Sonic Adventure (DX) 1 Lap Race Sonic 0:36:10 72 02-28-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Erazor Djinn Boss Boss 2:49:20 27 01-30-10
Sonic Colors Wii Sweet Mountain 4 Score Sonic 876,340 38 12-31-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Dark Guardian Boss Bosses 2'31"670 56 03-20-10
Sonic 2 Mystic Cave 2 Rings Sonic 1 50 02-21-10
Sonic 2 Mystic Cave 1 Time Sonic 1:38 114 02-21-10
Sonic Colors Wii Sweet Mountain 3 Time Sonic 2:21:73 59 12-31-10
Sonic 1 (GG) Labyrinth 2 Time Sonic 1:27 27 02-28-10
Sonic Colors Wii Sweet Mountain 2 Score Sonic 766,730 38 12-31-10
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Rampart Road Race 3 Lap 3'13"708 14 04-10-10
Sonic Colors Wii Sweet Mountain 1 Score Sonic 947,350 38 12-31-10
Sonic 2 Hill Top 1 Time Sonic 1:31 121 02-21-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort Boss Boss Sonic 1:06:33 66 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 6 Score Sonic 311,900 43 12-31-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Eggmanland Time Day 1 5'03"377 63 03-20-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Adabat Time Day 1 2'14"098 71 03-20-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 5 Score Sonic 966,500 43 12-31-10
Sonic 2 Aquatic Ruin 2 Rings Sonic 4 54 02-21-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 5 Time Sonic 1:59:69 74 12-31-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 1 24 12 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Ring Chain Mission 1 15 12 02-14-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 4 Time Sonic 0:43:46 81 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 4 Score Sonic 359,800 41 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 3 Time Sonic 3:16:51 72 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 3 Score Sonic 640,110 41 12-31-10
Sonic 2 Chemical Plant 2 Time Sonic 3:02 135 02-21-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 1 34 12 02-14-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 2 Time Sonic 1:35:06 81 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 2 Score Sonic 585,030 44 12-31-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 1 30 13 02-14-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 1 Time Sonic 1:38:79 86 12-31-10

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Player ID: 3151
Hits: 4,096 | Hits This Month: 75 | DB Calls: 19 | Mem Usage: 953.64 KB | Time: 0.14s | Printable

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